The Tiji Festival, also known as the Tenchi Festival, is a three-day religious celebration that takes place annually in the remote Upper Mustang region of Nepal. The festival is centered around the Tiji myth, which tells the story of a deity named Dorje Jono who battles against his demon father to save the kingdom of Mustanga.
The festival is held to pray for peace, happiness and a good harvest, and is considered one of the most important cultural events in the region.
The Tiji Festival takes place in the walled city of Lo Manthang, the capital of the Upper Mustang region. The city is located in the remote and mountainous region of the Himalayas, and is accessible only by foot or on horseback. The festival attracts visitors from all over the world who are interested in experiencing the unique culture and traditions of this remote and isolated region.
The festival begins with the opening of the city gates, which are normally closed throughout the year. This marks the start of a three-day celebration, during which the streets are filled with music, dance, and colorful costumes. The main events of the festival take place in the courtyard of the local monasteries, where lamas perform religious dances and rituals to drive away evil spirits and bring peace and happiness to the community.
One of the highlights of the Tiji Festival is the mask dance, during which lamas dressed in elaborate costumes and masks perform a series of dances to reenact the Tiji myth. The dances are accompanied by traditional music played on Tibetan horns, cymbals, and drums, and are a visual and musical extravaganza that is not to be missed.
In addition to the mask dance, the Tiji Festival also features a series of religious ceremonies, including the recitation of prayers, offerings of butter lamps, and the creation of sand mandalas. The festival is a unique opportunity to experience the rich culture and traditions of the Tibetan people and to witness the devotion and spirituality that is such an important part of their daily lives.
In conclusion, the Tiji Festival is a unique and fascinating cultural event that offers visitors the opportunity to experience the rich traditions and spirituality of the Tibetan people in the remote and isolated Upper Mustang region of Nepal. Whether you are a culture-enthusiast, a spiritual seeker, or simply someone who loves to travel and experience new things, the Tiji Festival is an unforgettable experience that is not to be missed.
What festivals are celebrated in Mustang?
festival Dates in Upper Mustang Nepal.
1. Tiji 16, 17&18 May 2023 and second Tiji 25, 26 & 27 June 2023
2. Yartung 21, 22 & 23 August 2023
3. GharGomba festival Called Tenda Chhinchu 28 July
4. Mandala pooja at Lomanthang 29 August 2023 &Thukchu pooja 13 Oct.