Search continues for a trekker, Vitaly Bazlov, missing in the Nepal Annapurna region. Currently search-and-rescue dog teams, friends and relatives are scouting the area around lake Tilicho, which is where Vitaly was last seen on morning of 6th May, 2016.
If you have travelled anywhere in the area on and after 6th May (including lake Tilicho, Manang, Torong-La pass, Mesokanto La pass, Muktinath, Jomsom), or know someone who has, please let us know if you have seen Vitaly or any of his belongings.
Also, please re-post this announcement, including photos and search teams contacts to your national forums dedicated to Nepal travel and trekking!
We are in contact with police, embassy and locals, so no need for general information on the area – we are desperately in need of exact sightings of Vitaly!
Search information:
Trekker Vitaly Bazlov was last seen at noon May 6, 2016, leaving camp on the west shore of lake Tilicho and heading presumably along the east shore to Tilicho Base Camp for the night, then to Yak Kharka, Thorung La and Jomsom. Nobody has seen him ever since.
He is 46 years old, 175 cm tall, very fit, speaks English and German and Russian. He was dressed as in the left photo: blue «RedFox» wind jacket, green goose down vest, grey long sleeve sweatshirt, cap with a sun-protection veil. He had a yellow-and-black backpack and a «Deuter» sleeping bag
If you have any information about his whereabouts, have seen him or any of his belongings, please-please-please contact us:
+977 98560 25679, (search and rescue team)
+7-964-550-6906, (Viktor, coordinator)
+44-75-8371-6561, (Dmitry, coordinator)
Or contact
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